War Comes To America ()
Documentary | War & Military
To explain the United States' involvement in World War II, Frank Capra’s film analyses the country's history and the ideology of its people. American ideals, as described in the Declaration of Independence, are highlighted through a depiction of the history of the nation, the current American quality of life and the social, recreational and work ethics of the people. American reluctance to be drawn into the war is demonstrated by the Neutrality Act of 1935. The progression of the war in Europe is chronicled. In Sep 1939, Britain declares war on Germany, and a poll reveals that 82% of Americans perceive Germany as the cause of the war. Just when it appears that the Japanese are considering peace negotiations with the U.S., they bomb Pearl Harbor, and the U.S. is brought into the war. The film closes with a quote by Chief of Staff G. C. Marshall: "...victory of the democracies can only be complete with the utter defeat of the war machines of Germany and Japan."
Frank Capra
Dean Acheson, General Bergeret, A.A. Berle
1h 6m

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